Tuesday, April 19, 2011

River Coorider Project

How people feel about the ecomonic benefits that the project offers South Dallas residents

What kind of benefits will the River Coorider Project offer?

How does the project helps South Dallas?

Will South Dallas residents be supportive of the idea?

Will the project help make improvements for residents?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Eminen domain

Eminent Domain is an action of the to seize a citizen's  private property , expropriate property, or seize a citizen's rights in property with due monetary compensation, but without the owner's consent.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Is Your Neighborhood culturally diverse?

Is Your Neighborhood culturally diverse?

Um, my neighborhood is a little diverse due to the fact that we have a mix of blacks, white , and mexicans all in the same neighborhood. Also everyone acts so different from each other because on my neighborhood you will either see some outside gossiping and having a drink, the mexican kids playing rough in da streets or playing soccer, outside listening 2 music with company, on the grill BBQ or just in the house doing nothing.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Defense of Marriage Act

I do think that some states should regonize same-sex marriage because i believe that gays and lesbians have just as much right to get married just like any other normal human being. Some states don't regonize same-sex marriage because they feel as if gays have no rights or the fact that gays are supposed to be ashamed in the way the live their lives. Same-Sex marriage should be accepted as a normal marriage between a man and woman because if gays want to spend their lives with each other then they should have that right and respect.

My opinion on Anti-Abortion

I personally say that anti-abortion is wrong for many reasons. No one should ever tell any woman that having an abortion is wrong because if she chooses to do that, that is her right and her choice to decide if she wants to keep or get rid of her pregancy. For people to say anything like that is stupid because an abortion should not be heavily critized because not every woman chooses to have one and many of them aren't ready to bring a child into this earth.